† Corresponding author. E-mail:
Project supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2013CB932804), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11421063, 11647601, 11504431, and 21503275), the Scientific Research Foundation of China University of Petroleum (East China) for Young Scholar (Grant Y1304073). YantingWang also thanks the financial support through the CAS Biophysics Interdisciplinary Innovation Team Project (Grant No. 2060299).
Nanostructures self-assembled by cross-β peptides with ordered structures and advantageous mechanical properties have many potential applications in biomaterials and nanotechnologies. Quantifying the intra- and inter-molecular driving forces for peptide self-assembly at the atomistic level is essential for understanding the formation mechanism and nanomechanics of various morphologies of self-assembled peptides. We investigate the thermodynamics of the intra- and inter-sheet structure formations in the self-assembly process of cross-β peptide KIIIIK by means of steered molecular dynamics simulation combined with umbrella sampling. It is found that the mechanical properties of the intra- and inter-sheet structures are highly anisotropic with their intermolecular bond stiffness at the temperature of 300 K being 5.58 N/m and 0.32 N/m, respectively. This mechanical anisotropy comes from the fact that the intra-sheet structure is stabilized by enthalpy but the inter-sheet structure is stabilized by entropy. Moreover, the formation process of KIIIIK intra-sheet structure is cooperatively driven by the van der Waals (VDW) interaction between the hydrophobic side chains and the electrostatic interaction between the hydrophilic backbones, but that of the inter-sheet structure is primarily driven by the VDW interaction between the hydrophobic side chains. Although only peptide KIIIIK is studied, the qualitative conclusions on the formation mechanism should also apply to other cross-β peptides.
Under appropriate physicochemical conditions, peptide segments extracted from natural proteins or synthesized in vitro can self-assemble to form nanostructures with different morphologies, such as vesicles, nanofibrils, nanoribbons, nanotubes, and nanobelts,[1–5] often with remarkable mechanical properties, including a high Young’s modulus and tensile strength,[6,7] which have promising potential applications in materials science and nanotechnology.[8–11] Due to the hydrogen bonding (H-bonding) network among the cross-β sheets, materials formed by these nanostructures have moderate mechanical strengths between covalent and non-covalent materials.[7,12] Many studies have shown that the morphologies of peptide nanostructures can be tuned by changing the sequence of peptides or by changing the physicochemical conditions such as pH,[13,14] ionic strength,[15,16] and added chemical species.[17–19] The nanomechanics of a single nanostructure can be systematically studied by analyzing the atomic force microscopy (AFM) or transmission electron microscopy (TEM) image with the guidance of polymer theories.[20–22] However, it is still a challenge to fully understand the formation mechanism of different morphologies and the nanomechanics of a single peptide nanostructure at the atomistic level, both of which are important for fulfilling the final goal of controllable peptide self-assembly by design.
To unravel the underlying formation mechanisms for nanostructures self-assembled by peptides, many studies have been devoted to investigating the processes and structures at the microscopic level using various experimental technologies. The hierarchical structures of cross-β peptides have been shown to contain three different interfaces: the intra-sheet structure stabilized by H-bonding interactions between backbones, the inter-sheet structure stabilized by hydrophobic and/or electrostatic interactions between side chains, and the inter-protofibril structure stabilized by H-bonding and/or π–π stacking interactions between the terminals of peptides.[23–27] Since the intermolecular forces of these hierarchical structures are composed of VDW, hydrophobic, and H-bonding interactions between peptides and solvent, the nanomechanics of a single peptide nanostructure can be determined by the strength of the intermolecular forces, which can be experimentally tuned by the solution conditions and peptide sequences.[28,29] Many theoretical works have further demonstrated that the competition between the intra- and inter-sheet interactions determines the morphology of a laminated structure composed of cross-β sheets.[30–32]
Quantitative information such as the bond stiffness and the compositions of the intermolecular forces is essential for understanding the nanomechanics and morphology of peptide nanostructures. Similar to covalent bond stiffness, the intermolecular bond stiffness is a measurement of the resistance offered by the structure to the deviation from its equilibrated structure stabilized by the non-covalent force. Through studying the thermal expansion of amyloid fibrils by four dimensional electron microscopy, Fitzpatrick et al.[27] were the first to quantify experimentally the intermolecular bond stiffness for different hierarchical structures. They found that the forces stabilizing these structures are highly anisotropic. However, it is difficult to decompose the intermolecular forces directly by experiment. The development of computer modeling and simulation techniques for biomolecules allows the mechanics and thermodynamic driving forces to be studied theoretically by means of computer simulation. Because the peptide geometry and applied forces can be precisely controlled in steered molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, amyloid fibrils under an external force have been simulated by atomistic steered MD,[33] with the mechanical response, effect of peptide sequence, the force loading rate on the Young’s modulus, and failure propagation being extensively studied.[34–37] Combining steered MD simulations with Jarzynski’s equality[38] or the umbrella sampling method,[39,40] the potential of mean force (PMF) of amyloid fibrils, nanotubes of cyclic peptides, and cylindrical nanofibers of peptide amphiphiles along the reaction coordinate of association were calculated,[41–43] and it was found that the free energy difference between the associated and dissociated states was significantly affected by the peptide sequence and polarity of solvent.
In this work, within the theoretical framework given by the hierarchical self-assembly model,[23,30] we quantitatively evaluate the intermolecular bond stiffness of KIIIIK nanotubes and decompose at the microscopic level the contributions of different atomic groups to the intermolecular forces by combining the steered MD with the umbrella sampling method.[39,40] In our previous experimental work,[44] we have revealed that the walls of nanotubes self-assembled by KIIIIK are monolayers, formed through long-axis growth of cross-β sheet along the H-bond direction and lateral stacking of cross-β sheets along the side-chain direction. Thus, we only focus on the association processes of strands and cross-β sheets forming inter- and intra-sheet structures of KIIIIK, as illustrated in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 1. (color online) Representative snapshots for the intra-sheet (a) and inter-sheet (b) structures studied by the steered MD simulations. |
By fitting the harmonic wells around the equilibrated structures in the PMFs, we have evaluated the intermolecular bond stiffness, which indicates that the intra- and inter-sheet structures are highly anisotropic, consistent with the experimental results.[27] To better understand the origin of the anisotropy in the hierarchical structures of KIIIIK, thermodynamic driving forces and microscopic interaction energies between different atomic groups during the association processes have been analyzed in detail. By calculating separately the entropy and enthalpy contributions to the PMFs along the H-bond direction for the intra-sheet structure and the side-chain direction for the inter-sheet structure, the thermodynamic driving forces for peptide association processes and for keeping the structures stable have been determined. Detailed energy analyses on the microscopic interaction energies between different groups of peptides and solvents demonstrate that VDW and electrostatic interactions play different roles in the formation of intra- and inter-sheet structures: the electrostatic interactions between hydrophilic peptide backbones dominate the formation of the intra-sheet structure, while the VDW interactions between hydrophobic peptide side chains and those between water molecules and side chains dominate the formation of the inter-sheet structure. Although we have only done the calculations for peptide KIIIIK, the qualitative conclusions on the formation mechanism should also apply to other cross-β peptides.
As already demonstrated by experiment,[44] KIIIIK peptides capped with an acetyl in the N terminal and an amine in the C terminal can self-assemble to form monolayer nanotubes, so the intra- and inter-sheet structures shown in Fig.
All the simulations were performed with the GROMACS simulation package.[48] The KIIIIK peptides with protonated lysine were modelled by the OPLS-AA force field,[49,50] and the water molecules were modelled by the TIP4P force field.[51] A rectangular box with periodic boundary conditions in all three dimensions was applied and a 2-fs time step was used for all the simulations. The cutoff for the short-range non-bonded interactions was 1.2 nm, and the long-range electrostatic interactions were treated by the particle mesh Ewald algorithm.[52,53] Chloride ions modeled by the OPLS-AA force field were added to the solution to neutralize the system. The NPT ensemble was applied with its temperature maintained by a Nose-Hoover thermostat[54,55] and its pressure maintained by a Parrinello–Rahman barostat.[56] To check the stability of the two structures, 2-ns simulations with unconstrained peptide positions were conducted after a 0.1-ns simulation with constrained peptide positions to allow the water molecules to relax around the peptides.
The last configuration of the 2-ns simulation served as the initial structure of the subsequent steered MD simulations, in which the peptides should be placed in such a position that there is an adequate space for the pulling simulation along the reaction coordinate. As shown in Fig.
On the basis of the non-equilibrium steered MD simulations, the umbrella sampling technique[39,40] and the weighted histogram analysis method (WHAM)[57] were used to calculate the free energy profiles (i.e., PMFs) along the reaction coordinates. The initial configuration in each window of the umbrella sampling was selected from the steered MD trajectory. Totally 26 windows were used in the umbrella sampling calculation for the intra-sheet structure with the CoM distance ranging from 0.44 nm to 3.24 nm, and each window has a width of approximately 0.108 nm to allow adjacent windows to have an adequate overlap. There were totally 23 windows for the inter-sheet structure ranging from 1.27 nm to 3.15 nm, and the window width was approximately 0.082 nm. Inside each window, a 5-ns NPT simulation with the simulation parameters described above was performed.
To obtain the intermolecular bond stiffness, the lowest potential wells of the PMFs around the equilibrated structures were fitted by a harmonic function,
Since the NPT ensemble was adopted in the simulations, the PMFs actually depict the profile of the one-dimensional Gibbs free energy G along the reaction coordinate. A Δ symbol will be added before each thermodynamic variable in the following equations because the free energy obtained from umbrella sampling is a relative value. The entropy along the reaction coordinate can be calculated by the finite difference of the temperature derivative of the free energy[58]
The loading rate of the external force significantly affects the peak force of the force profile in a steered MD, which is the minimal force required to break the structure.[35,37] To minimize the non-equilibrium effect, we conducted another set of steered MD simulations with a very slow pulling rate of 0.25 nm/ns to study the mechanical response. The results shown in Figure
The PMFs for the intra- and inter-sheet structures have been calculated and are shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 3. (color online) Total PMFs at T = 300 K and harmonic fittings of the potential wells for the intra- (a) and inter-sheet (b) structures. |
Each PMF in Fig.
![]() | Table 1. Intermolecular bond stiffness values, optimal conformation parameters, and minimum free energies. The data in brackets are experimental results for peptide VQIVYK.[27] . |
According to the thermodynamics relation in Eq. (
To identify the thermodynamic driving forces for the association processes along the reaction coordinates in detail, the entropy (−TΔS) and enthalpy (ΔH) contributions for both structures in the association process were obtained by Eqs. (
The VDW and electrostatic interactions between different parts have been analyzed in detail to unravel the anisotropy of the intermolecular bond stiffness and the difference in thermodynamic driving forces for the intra- and inter-sheet structures. The short-range pairwise interactions between peptide–peptide EPP, peptide–solvent EPS, and solvent–solvent ESS along the association reaction coordinates have been calculated and are shown in Figs.
![]() | Table 2. Short-range non-bonded energies of the associated and dissociated states and their differences. . |
To determine the contributions of the hydrophobic side chains and the hydrophilic backbones of KIIIIK to EPP, the interactions between side chains, EScSc, and those between backbones, EBbBb, are now calculated. Starting with the intra-sheet structure, we can see that, with increasing ξ
For the inter-sheet structure, Figure
The competition between the peptide-peptide and peptide-solvent interactions has a significant influence on the peptide conformations and association of peptides in the hierarchical processes.[59,60] The ensemble average of the short-range non-bonded energy of the solvent in the shell around the peptide from x nm to x + 0.1 nm will be denoted as EPSx. According to EPSx from 0.2 nm to 0.6 nm shown in Figs.
For the hydrophobic side chains in the formation of the intra-sheet structure,
For the hydrophilic backbone in the formation of the intra-sheet structure,
For the hydrophobic side chain in the formation of the inter-sheet structure,
For the hydrophilic backbone-solvent in the inter-sheet structure in Fig.
Quantitative assessment of the intermolecular forces at the microscopic level is important for understanding the nanomechanics and morphologies of nanostructures formed by self-assembly of β-peptides. Utilizing the combination of steered MDs and umbrella sampling methods at the atomistic level, we have quantified the intermolecular bond stiffness for the intra- and inter-sheet structures of KIIIIK and analyzed the thermodynamic driving forces for the formation processes of both structures. By fitting the potential wells of PMFs along the reaction coordinates for the association of strands and cross-β sheets, we have determined the intermolecular bond stiffness and optimal conformational parameters for both structures. The equilibrium distance between neighboring peptides of KIIIIK is about 0.45 nm for the intra-sheet structure, and about 1.27 nm for the inter-sheet structure. The intermolecular bond stiffness values for the intra-sheet and inter-sheet structures are about 5.58 N/m and 0.32 N/m, respectively. The intra-sheet interaction is approximately twenty times stronger than the inter-sheet interaction, indicating that the intermolecular forces that stabilize the hierarchical structures of the self-assembled peptides are highly anisotropic, consistent with the recent experimental results.[27]
Thermodynamic analysis of the association processes revealed that the thermodynamic driving force keeping the intra-sheet structure stable is enthalpy, while that keeping the inter-sheet structure stable is entropy. However, entropy and enthalpy dominate the self-assembly process in turn for both structures. Detailed analysis of the short-range non-bonded interactions between different groups showed that the enthalpy stabilizing the intra-sheet structure comes from the electrostatic interactions between hydrophilic backbones, and the entropy stabilizing the inter-sheet structure comes from the VDW interactions between hydrophobic side chains as well as those between hydrophobic side chains and solvent molecules. The phenomena that the formations of both structures are driven by entropy and enthalpy in turn come from the fact that the effects of peptide-solvent interactions on association are dependent on the distance between solvents and peptides. The VDW interactions between hydrophobic side chains and water molecules promote association at a distance smaller than 0.3 nm, but promote dissociation at distances larger than 0.3 nm.
This work provides an accurate approach for quantifying the intermolecular forces in the hierarchical structures in peptide self-assembly and clarifies the roles of peptide polar groups (backbones), nonpolar groups (hydrophobic side chains) and solvent in different shells in the structural formation of self-assembled cross-β peptides. Although we have only done the calculations for peptide KIIIIK, the qualitative conclusions on the formation mechanism should also apply to other cross-β peptides. These results are helpful for understanding the nanomechanics of single nanostructures and realizing controllable self-assembling process of cross-β peptides via changing temperature, tuning solvent conditions, or alternating peptide sequence, and so on.
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